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Let's try

Authors: cKnoor, cKnoor and Blister, Nuggan, et al

Games: Duke Nukem 3D, Orcs Must Die 2, Dogfighter, and others

1Let's try Hotline Miami cKnoor, Thom, LordMune and Hot LeadHotline Miami282528:18
2Let's try Duke3D Platoon cKnoorDuke Nukem 3D211414:00
3Let's try Dogfighter NugganDogfighter147209:52
4Let's Try Duke3D - The Dream cKnoorDuke Nukem 3D168419:37
5Let's try Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chickens cKnoor and BlisterRocketbirds: Hardboiled Chickens168651:48
6Orcs Must Die 2 - cKnoor Perspective - map 1 & 2 cKnoor and BlisterOrcs Must Die 2157321:23
7Orcs Must Die 2 - a pretty ladies perspective (Blister) cKnoor and BlisterOrcs Must Die 2116322:41
8Let's try Tiny and Big ThomTiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers79328:56
9Let's try Trials Evolution Gold cKnoorTrials Evolution Gold120532:04
10Let's try Don't Starve cKnoorDon't Starve143824:51